PSET Scenarios 2021–2030: A guide on using scenarios to align skills supply and demand through interoperable data platforms

There are many pathways South Africa could take that will determine whether skills supply will accurately align with skills demand in the future.

There is a wealth of data related to the postschool education and training (PSET) sector and in the labour market. However, this data is not well coordinated across the job skills value chain and it is not always easily accessible or of consistently high quality. This is not only a technological challenge but also one that shows the need for trust and collaboration across the sector in order to make the best use of such data.

The JET-merSETA team engaged Reos Partners to design and facilitate an exercise of co-creating scenarios with stakeholders. This exercise resulted in a team of actors across the South African PSET system coming together to create four scenarios about what could happen over the current. decade until 2030. As the Guide shows, skills planning and provisioning will be shaped by complex interactions between factors found within and beyond the boundaries of the PSET ecosystem.

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